Movable type installation on windows

Have been meddling around with a blog management software (Movable Type) for the past few weeks. Finally got it running on my windows box after quite a bit of struggle. The problem was in finding the right set of tools/instructions to get it up.

Finally found a good set of instructions at this site

I have archived some pointers against the above instructions for reference.

Here they are:

1) The latest version of XAMPP has some issues with the perl addon. When the Movable type installation is started, perl (5.10) crashes with a dll not found error. Had to revert to an older version of XAMPP which was compatible with Perl 5.8 (I used 1.6.0) (Download location -

2) Download location for the perl addon (I used 5.8) - . Choose download -> browse all files -> windows add-ons)

3) Go to http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php and setup a password for your MySql database in the Xampp installation .

4) Then go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ . Login as root with the password you specified in the previous step. Go inside and create a new database .

5) mt-config.cgi that I used:
CGIPath http://localhost/cgi-bin/mt/
StaticWebPath http://localhost/mt-static
##### MYSQL #####
ObjectDriver DBI::mysql
Database [database name from point 4]
DBUser root
DBPassword [database password from point 3]
DBHost localhost


Chad Everett said...

You can actually install MT with a lot less trouble - instructions are here. That's for an installation under IIS though. :)

stavrosthewonderchicken said...

I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with you copy-and-pasting the whole set of instructions here rather than just a link and excerpt. My site's been up for more than seven years -- it's not going down any time soon.

Hemanth said...

whoops. really sorry abt that. I did it more for my own archival purposes. Will just extract the changes I had for my setup and leave a link to your page for the rest.

btw, thx a lot for sharing the instructions on your page! It really helped me after quite a lot of frustating time trying to get MT running.